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Vol. 18. Issue 2.
Pages 229-230 (March - April 2014)
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Vol. 18. Issue 2.
Pages 229-230 (March - April 2014)
Letters to the Editor
Open Access
Viral genotypes and human rs12979860 polymorphism of the IFNL3 gene in hepatitis C infected patients in Southern Brazil
Kelen Frizon, Camila Fernanda da Silveira Alves, Alessandra Caroline Borchardt, Vagner Ricardo Lunge, Daniel Simon
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Corresponding author at: PPG Biologia Celular e Molecular Aplicada à Saúde, Universidade Luterana do Brasil, Canoas, RS, Brazil.
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Celular e Molecular Aplicada à Saúde, Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA), Canoas, RS, Brazil
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Tables (1)
Table 1. Distribution of socio-demographic and epidemiological characteristics in patients stratified according to HCV genotypes.
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Dear Editor,

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a global health problem and approximately 80% of the patients develop chronic hepatitis C, which can progress to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. HCV genotype is a classical predictor of the success of the standard treatment (interferon-α in combination with ribavirin). HCV genotype 1 carriers have usually a lower rate of response than patients infected with HCV genotypes 2 and 3.1 Human single nucleotide polymorphisms near the gene for interferon-λ3 (IFNL3; formerly known as IL28B) were also recently associated with spontaneous HCV clearance and sustained response to interferon-based therapy.2 The present study aimed to determine the frequency of the HCV and IFNL3 genotypes in hepatitis C patients from the North region of Rio Grande do Sul state, Southern Brazil.

Adult individuals with chronic hepatitis C attended in referral services for patient care in Passo Fundo (a medium-sized urban center in the North region of Rio Grande do Sul state) were selected from August 2010 to July 2011. Socio-demographic data were obtained from a structured questionnaire and patient medical records were reviewed to obtain clinical and virological information. IFNL3-molecular analysis was performed as previously described.2 The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA).

A total of 191 HCV-infected patients were included in the study. Patients were predominantly female (52.9%) and had a mean age of 51.6±11.4 years. Approximately half of the participants (n=92, 48.2%) received blood transfusions and 75 patients (39.3%) reported that this condition was the possible HCV transmission route. Use of sharp objects (26.7%) and needle sharing (17.8%) were also cited as possible transmission factors. HCV genotype 1 was found in 76 (39.8%), genotype 2 in 46 (24.1%) and genotype 3 in 69 patients (36.1%). HCV genotype 1 was significantly more often in users of illicit drugs, while genotype 2 was more frequently found in women and old people. Sixty patients (31.4%) showed the CC, 97 (50.8%) CT and 34 (17.8%) TT IFNL3 genotypes (Table 1).

Table 1.

Distribution of socio-demographic and epidemiological characteristics in patients stratified according to HCV genotypes.

Variable  Total (n=191)  HCV genotypes
    1 (n=76)  2 (n=46)  3 (n=69)  p 
Male gender  90 (47.1)  42 (55.3)  15 (32.6)  33 (47.8)  0.052 
Age (years)  51.6±11.4  50.0±10.0  55.6±13.8  50.7±10.6  0.024 
Skin color          0.204 
White  126 (66.0)  44 (57.9)  37 (80.4)  45 (65.2)   
Mixed/mulatto  54 (28.2)  27 (35.5)  7 (15.2)  20 (28.9)   
Black  11 (5.8)  5 (6.6)  2 (4.3)  4 (5.8)   
Educational level          0.156 
Complete primary education or less  97 (50.8)  33 (43.4)  23 (50.0)  41 (59.4)   
Secondary or higher education  94 (49.2)  42 (56.6)  23 (50.0)  28 (40.6)   
Possible forms of HCV infectiona          0.577 
Sex  19 (9.9)  8 (10.6)  1 (2.2)  10 (14.5)   
Blood transfusion  75 (39.3)  26 (34.2)  23 (47.8)  27 (39.1)   
Infected material  51 (26.7)  19 (25.0)  15 (32.6)  17 (24.6)   
Hemodialysis  2 (1.0)  –  1 (2.2)  1 (1.4)   
Sharing needles  34 (17.8)  19 (25.0)  5(10.9)  10 (14.5)   
Occupational exposure  7 (3.7)  2 (2.6)  1 (2.2)  4 (5.8)   
Smoking drug use  37 (19.4)  25 (32.9)  1 (2.2)  11 (15.9)  <0.001 
Snorting drug use  28 (14.7)  19 (25.0)  1 (2.2)  8 (11.6)  0.001 
Injecting drug use  21 (11.0)  13 (17.1)  1 (2.2)  7 (10.1)  0.026 
Blood transfusion  92 (48.2)  33 (43.4)  25 (54.3)  34 (49.3)  0.491 
Hemodialysis  4 (2.1)  1 (1.3)  1 (2.2)  2 (2.9)  0.831 
Tattoo  343(17.3)  18 (23.7)  6 (13.0)  9 (13.0)  0.163 
Piercing  4 (2.1)  –  1 (2.2)  3 (4.3)  0.129 
IFNL3 – CC genotype  60 (31.4)  21 (27.6)  17 (37.0)  22 (31.9)  0.339 

Variables expressed as number (percentage) or mean±standard deviation.


Totals do not coincide due to lack of data from certain participants in the study.

Some HCV genotypes have a restricted geographical distribution (genotypes 4-6), while others (genotypes 1-3) are more broadly disseminated. HCV genotype 1 is the most prevalent in the world.1 In the present study, genotype 1 was also demonstrated in the highest frequency, followed by genotypes 3 and 2, respectively. Other studies in Brazil have also shown the occurrence of these three genotypes, but genotype 1 with frequencies over 60%, while genotype 2 lower than 10%.3,4 This unusual high frequency of HCV genotype 2 confirms the results observed in a previous study.5 In the present report it was further demonstrated the high proportion of old women infected with this genotype. IFNL3 CC genotype, a good human prognostic factor of treatment outcome, was also found in a percentage similar to other Brazilian study.2

In conclusion, the data obtained in the present study have shown a high frequency of HCV genotype 2 in an urban center in Southern Brazil and suggest the HCV genotypes could have different transmission routes.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases
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