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Vol. 14. Issue 4.
Pages 385-397 (July - August 2010)
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Vol. 14. Issue 4.
Pages 385-397 (July - August 2010)
Review article
Open Access
Sampling studies to estimate the HIV prevalence rate in female commercial sex workers
Ana Roberta Pati Pascom1,
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Correspondence to: SAF Sul Trecho 02, Bloco F, Torre 1, Edifício Premium, Auditório – Brasília/DF – Brazil. CEP: 70070-600. Tel.: +55-61-33067003; +55-61-33067079.
, Célia Landmann Szwarcwald2, Aristides Barbosa Júnior1
1 Monitoring and Evaluation Advisory, Brazilian Departament of STD, AIDS and Viral Hepatitis; Ministério da Saúde, Brazil
2 Health Information Laboratory, Health Science and Technology Information and Communication, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil
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We investigated sampling methods being used to estimate the HIV prevalence rate among female commercial sex workers.


: The studies were classified according to the adequacy or not of the sample size to estimate HIV prevalence rate and according to the sampling method (probabilistic or convenience).


We identified 75 studies that estimated the HIV prevalence rate among female sex workers. Most of the studies employed convenience samples. The sample size was not adequate to estimate HIV prevalence rate in 35 studies.


The use of convenience sample limits statistical inference for the whole group. It was observed that there was an increase in the number of published studies since 2005, as well as in the number of studies that used probabilistic samples. This represents a large advance in the monitoring of risk behavior practices and HIV prevalence rate in this group.

commercial sex workers
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