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Vol. 14. Issue 5.
Pages 449-456 (September - October 2010)
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Vol. 14. Issue 5.
Pages 449-456 (September - October 2010)
Original article
Open Access
DMFT index and oral mucosal lesions associated with HIV infection: cross-sectional study in Porto Velho, Amazonian Region - Brazil
Rodrigo Queiroz Aleixo1,
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Correspondence to: Rua Beethoven, 4604 - Nova Esperança Porto Velho – RO – Brazil CEP: 76822-200 Phone: +55-69-92316955.
, Alexandre Prado Scherma2, Gustav Guimarães1, José Roberto Cortelli3, Sheila Cavalca Cortelli3
1 Master's Degree in Dentistry, Unitau – Professor of Faculdade São Lucas
2 Post-Graduation in Dentistry – Assistant Professor of Instituto Básico de Biociências, Unitau
3 Post-Graduation in Dentistry – Assistant Professor of Preventive Dentistry and Cariology, and Periodontoly, Unitau
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We evaluated the DMFT (decayed, missing and filled teeth) index and the prevalence of candidiasis, linear gingival erythema, oral hairy leukoplakia, herpes simplex, aphthous ulcers, Kaposi's sarcoma and lymphoma, as well as the association with TCD4 count, viral load (VL) and antiretroviral therapy (ART) in 140 HIV-infected adult individuals. A standardized examination to determine the DMFT index and the presence of oral lesions was conducted. Demographic data, TCD4 count and use of ART were obtained from medical records. A high number of decayed teeth detected among patients undergoing ART resulted in a mean DMFT of 16.9 teeth. It was observed that 24.2% of the individuals had at least one oral lesion. Candidiasis was the most frequent lesion and was associated with the TCD4 count. Oral hairy leukoplakia was associated with an increased VL. Regular use of ART was inversely associated with the occurrence of lesions. Overall, the studied population showed low prevalence of oral lesions and high DMFT index. The use of ART seems to reduce the occurrence of these lesions. Higher TCD4 count and a lower VL were associated with an improved oral health status in HIV+ individuals.

oral mucosal lesions
DMFT index
tooth decay
HIV infection
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